What is international medical insurance

International medical insurance is one that gives you access to global medical coverage, both in your country of residence and in the rest of the world. There are several types of different coverage, and it is intended for different types of publics: it can be personal, family or business.

It is a type of insurance that offers and guarantees the best medical care both in your place of residence and in any other part of the world, as long as the clauses of the contract have been complied with.

What benefits does international medical insurance provide?

You mustn’t see international medical insurance as an extra expense, but as an investment, since it will represent protection that will help you avoid subsequent complications that would even be much more expensive in the long term.

Among the most outstanding benefits of international medical insurance are the following:

Access to the best health care

International health insurance will allow you to access the best medicine in your place of residence or any other part of the world that you want or require to receive the treatment. This will translate into safety and peace of mind for you, your family, or your employees in case of suffering any illness or an accident that leads to severe complications, since they will have the possibility of receiving care in the best hospitals in the world, with the most advanced technology and the best-prepared specialists 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Lifetime renewal

By taking out international medical insurance, you will no longer have to worry about paying for renewals regularly.

No insurer can unilaterally cancel the policy objecting to the accident rate, that is, the rate of accidents or diseases that you have experienced since you contrast it.

Keeping up with your payments will be your lifetime guarantee for international medical insurance.

High sums insured

The sum insured refers to the maximum amount that an insured person will pay for each illness or accident.

This point may seem irrelevant; however, this is not the case, since many conditions entail significant lifetime expenses, such as treatments for chronic diseases, so it is important to be covered in the subject of care and medications.

If you have international medical insurance this will not be a problem, because the sums insured are high, renewed every year, and are in hard currency, that is, a currency that is not easily devalued, such as the dollar, the euro, and the pound.

Access to second opinions at a distance

A severe diagnosis is usually accompanied by many doubts. Will it be the right diagnosis or the right treatment?…

International medical insurance gives you the possibility of requesting a second opinion remotely, sending all the information to an internationally renowned expert, with extensive experience who may allow you to have a different vision regarding the patient’s panorama, that is, it may confirm the diagnosis or determine a different one, or that the suggested treatment is different from the one initially indicated.

The idea is that the insured can discuss this second opinion with his attending physician and reach the best solution for the patient.

Obtaining a second medical opinion allows the insured to be certain of the correct diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment.

Accessibility for seniors

Conventional insurance usually has guidelines regarding the age of the insured, because the older the person, the more likely they are to present diseases or discomforts typical of the process or age in which they are.

On the other hand, international medical insurance allows access to people up to 89 years of age.

To make this benefit effective, each insurer will have specific clauses that the insured will have to cover to have access to certain international health insurance.


International medical insurance is very varied, so it can be adjusted to what you need in terms of coverage, insured sums, and deductibles.

Each family, company, or person has different needs and one of the benefits of international health insurance is that they have different options to adjust to what you require at the time you need it.

Savings in treatments

Insurers have different agreements with medical providers, which will represent savings in terms of expenses for treatments and medical care.

They also have direct payment agreements with the most important hospitals and suppliers in the industry. This means that the insured will only have to cover the deductible directly at the hospital.


International medical insurance offers the benefit of portability, which means that holders will have the freedom to move anywhere else in the world and keep their insurance policy, as long as a year has passed since hiring.

This is a guarantee that you will be able to receive medical services anywhere in the globe, whether you are traveling or moving to another city or country.

Disease prevention

International health insurance is not only useful for when you have an accident or when you suffer from an illness but also to avoid them since it gives you access to routine medical checkups to detect any abnormality that could trigger a more severe condition.

These preventive services include vaccinations, studies, and exams, without requiring you to cover the deductible or a co-pay, so the insurer will reimburse you up to the insured amount described in the contract, for routine checkups.

Another service that is included, for example, is prophylactic surgery, which is a procedure in which an organ or gland is removed that shows no signs of cancer, but that represents a risk in people with a family history, which increases the chances of suffering from this disease later.

While they may seem like unnecessary expenses, they can make the difference between suffering from something tiny and perfectly treatable and a more serious illness that will require more investment of money and time and wear, so it is very important to undergo studies on an ongoing basis to ensure well-being.