What are the main dental aesthetic treatments
Teeth are-an essential part of our anatomy. The concern for this area goes beyond the health of our mouth since its appearance affects our image. Proper oral health is necessary for a good quality of life. Essential activities for the human being such as eating, talking, or smiling are a problem for many people. For this reason, dental aesthetic treatments have been gaining followers over the years.
Dentistry and aesthetics: what-is dental aesthetics?
Dental aesthetics is-a specialty of dentistry that solves problems related to oral harmony in those with proper oral health. Its goal is to achieve the perfect smile by offering solutions for each aesthetic alteration of the mouth. It should be noted that in-our practice, we always seek to give the best possible result to each patient, so we not only look for healthy mouths but also beautiful ones.
Main reasons to go to dental aesthetics
The main reason to request aesthetic dental treatments is to end those problems that affect the harmony of our smiles. The most frequent are:
- Fractures and dental wear.
- Dental asymmetry and crowding.
- Prominent gums.
- Different types of coloring.
- Cavities near the gums.
How to achieve the perfect smile
For dental aesthetic treatments to bear fruit, it is necessary to carry out personalized studies. The expert proposes different options to achieve harmony between mouth and face through facial and intraoral analysis.
The six most demanded types of aesthetic dental treatments.
Undoubtedly, the six most demanded types of aesthetic dental treatments are the following:
- Orthodontics
Using orthodontics, the position of the teeth is corrected, improving the alignment and the space between pieces. In many cases, the masticatory function is improved, and hygiene is facilitated. There are several types of orthodontics, and the best option for each patient should be studied:
- Invisible orthodontics. Custom-made transparent splints are used, which the patient can remove and put on. They are perfect for those looking for an aesthetic treatment that is not visible.
- Orthodontics with braces. There are different types: the classic metal brackets, ceramic brackets, sapphire brackets, and lingual orthodontics. In the latter case, the frames are placed on the inner side of the tooth to go unnoticed.
- Dental veneers
Veneers are pieces placed on the teeth to correct their shape and color. There are different modalities (porcelain veneers, ultra-thin and composite veneers). A detailed study of each case is always carried out, and the best option is evaluated with the patient to-achieve the best result and remain stable in the long term.
- Dental implantology and bridges
These techniques are used when the patient is missing a piece, or the one he has is damaged and cannot be repaired.
- Dental implant. It consists of the implantation of a titanium screw in the jaws. This connects with its corresponding porcelain crown. With this, it seeks to replace the damaged piece with one very similar to it, recovering both the aesthetics and the lost function.
- Dental bridges. In this case, porcelain crowns are placed together to replace the damaged piece. It is beneficial for patients in which implants cannot be identified for various reasons or in cases where the parts adjacent to the space to be replaced also require improving their aesthetics.
- Teeth whitening
Teeth whitening is a type of dental cosmetic that lightens the enamel in those cases where there are stains, or the target has been lost due to the consumption of different substances (tobacco, certain drinks, foods, etc.). There are several techniques for this, and the right one is selected for each patient.
- Dental cleanings
Health insurance with more benefits usually includes one a year for free, preventing many dental conditions. It serves to remove plaque and accumulated tartar. In this way, problems such as the appearance of caries and gingivitis are avoided, in addition to eliminating possible unsightly spots. Keeping our mouths healthy, we have a friendly smile in many cases.
- Gingival aesthetics
One of the most frequent problems with getting an attractive smile is the excessive presence of the gums. The gingival contour can be reduced so that the amount of gum shown when smiling is more minor in some instances.
In some cases, the opposite happens, and we need to gain gum around the teeth or implants, so augmentation techniques are performed with gum grafts.
In conclusion, it is about studying each case, achieving the best result, adapting to the needs of each patient without ever forgetting health and function, and that the results are maintained stable over time.