Reasons why vitamin D should be consumed for bones

Having weak bones was considered an inevitable part of aging – but that’s no longer the case. It is now known that, regardless of age, you can maintain strong bones, but it is only a matter of deciding to change your habits and consume calcium and vitamin D sources for your bones.

Why is vitamin D essential for bones?

In 2008, the Food and Drug-Administration (FDA) of the United States modified the information on the body’s needs to reduce the risk of osteoporosis to give greater importance to vitamin D for bones, a nutrient that, in combination with calcium, promotes better bone health in the long term.

The primary function of vitamin-D is to maintain adequate levels of calcium and phosphate. This nutrient also helps improve the absorption and retention of calcium in our body, therefore, helps in the formation-and maintenance of a healthy bone system.

It was also reported that vitamin D is required to promote normal calcium absorption and recommended adequate calcium and vitamin-D intake throughout life. These substances and physical activity are part of some healthy habits that reduce the risk of osteoporosis in adulthood.

On the other hand-the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the United States mentions that vitamin D requirements of all ages can be maintained at acceptable levels when people keep adequate exposure to sunlight. However, some factors can begin to reduce vitamin D production, including sunscreen use, aging, increased pigmentation in normal skin, and low sun exposure.

The problem with-this vitamin is that it is found in small doses in food, but today, thanks to the appearance of functional foods, we can improve our vitamin D levels with products that have been enriched.

Vitamin D is best absorbed in skim milk and orange juice.

Research conducted by Dr Michael Holick on vitamin D, done at the Health Research Laboratory at Boston University School of Medicine-has shown that vitamin-D is easily absorbed by the body when added to skim milk and orange juice. As a result of these findings, the U.S. Food and Drug-Administration (FDA) approved the addition of vitamin D to calcium-fortified juices and beverages in 2003. We can also find it in fermented milk, such as Actimel.

Now that you have this information-you know the importance of consuming foods with vitamin D and sunbathing to maintain strong bones. Thanks for reading.