Foods with chromium: Importance, list and care
Chromium is a trace mineral our body needs in small amounts to maintain good performance. This mineral has also been researched for having certain essential benefits, such as control of sugar levels and diabetes, heart health, brain health, and weight management. For this reason, today-we will talk about foods with chromium to include in the diet and the properties of this compound.
Chromium participates in insulin signaling, a hormone controlling sugar levels. This process, in turn, maintains blood glucose levels in balance and stable energy. Research has also found that this mineral protects DNA chromosomes from damage, stopping cell mutations that cause the onset of various chronic diseases.
This trace element has also been associated with longevity and preventing cardiovascular problems as it properly regulates fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and other essential nutrients.
However, according to the National-Institutes of Health, there are two types of chromium in nature; the trivalent (chromium 3 +), biologically active and present in food, and the hexavalent (chromium 6 +), highly toxic and unsafe and used in industrial processes not intended for food production because it could be cancer-causing. ( 1 )
The trivalent or biologically active variety is found primarily in whole foods, brewer’s yeast, some meats, vegetables, and potatoes. These foods obtain this compound from the soil and rocks, which are then transmitted to our bodies in the diet. It can also be found in-small amounts in tap water and foods cooked in stainless steel pots or utensils.
List of foods with chromium
Foods rich in chromium are mainly represented by nuts and seafood, but let’s know more about them:
Mussels are a rich mineral source because they contain 128 mcg of chromium per 100 grams. A food that far exceeds the daily recommendations of this mineral and other nutrients, so it should be consumed in moderation.
Brazilian walnuts
Brazilian nuts are also considered in the list of foods with chromium since they have 100 mcg per 100 grams of weight. It should be noted-that this is a highly caloric food, so do not consume more than a handful a day.
Oysters are also part of this food group, having 57 mcg per 100 grams. Like mussels, they have a high proportion of chromium, but if consumed in moderation and as part of a healthy-diet, it doesn’t have to be a significant concern.
Pear provides 27 mcg of this trace element per 100 grams. This fruit is characterized by being a source of various vitamins and minerals. As far as minerals are concerned, iron, manganese, potassium, and magnesium can be mentioned, as well as B vitamins.
Shrimp have approximately 26 mcg of this mineral per 100 grams. This, like most foods from the sea, have traces of mercury in its composition. For this reason, it-is recommended to avoid consumption in excess and no more than twice a week.
Whole wheat flour
Whole wheat flour is part of foods with chromium as it provides 21 mcg per 100 grams. This flour is obtained from grinding whole wheat, allowing, compared to white flour, to maintain the nutrients of the grain bran. It also manages to keep a large proportion of wheat fiber.
In 100 grams of tomato, we find approximately 20 mcg of this trace element. The tomato is rich in antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C and nutrients such as vitamin A, iron, and potassium. Vitamin A protects our eyes from degenerative diseases caused by age.
Any list of nutrient-dense foods should mention broccoli for its high nutritional value. In every 100 grams of broccoli, we find 16 mcg of chromium. Broccoli is characterized by containing glucosinolates and sulforaphane, which are highly beneficial in preventing cancer. Its consumption has also been linked to a healthy cardiovascular system due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Mushrooms are very nutritious; it is not surprising that it is-one of the foods with chromium because it has 17 mcg per 100 grams.
Barley, when a whole grain, is a source of chromium with about 13 mcg per 100 grams.
Importance of chromium in the human body
Controls blood sugar and may prevent diabetes.
One of the reasons that should lead us to consume this mineral is that it increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin. In this way, it contributes to regularizing blood sugar levels because this hormone is responsible for transporting glucose to the cells, which are used as energy.
Chromium is also a trace mineral that participates in the healthy metabolism of nutrients as it helps allow their absorption and distribution. This includes carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from foods.
For example, brewer’s yeast, a source high in chromium, seems to aid in blood sugar metabolism. This becomes highly beneficial to prevent those problems that affect glucose and insulin, such as diabetes. (2)
We can also mention a study published by the journal “Diabetes,” in 1997, where it was observed that people with type 2 diabetes who consumed a chromium supplement for four months, along with their medications and eating habits, had a significant reduction in their insulin values and cholesterol levels compared to those who used a placebo. (3)
However, some studies have-failed to observe the ability of this compound to prevent diabetes. According to these studies, chromium could not control the blood sugar levels of people prone to diabetes. (4) Although the intake of foods with chromium does help in the metabolization of carbohydrates, something that people with diabetes should take into account, so they should be part of any balanced diet.
It helps reduce high cholesterol.
Chromium is a mineral necessary for the proper metabolism of fats and cholesterol. One research, in particular, found a link between adequate chromium intake and healthy arteries and cholesterol levels. It has even been claimed that people suffering from heart disease have low levels of chromium in their blood upon death.
It can also be noted that research showed that chromium supplementation for 42 days allowed adult participants to have lower levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, also known as “bad,” compared to those in the placebo group. (5)
It may prevent weight gain and cravings.
It is known that consuming foods with chromium can promote fat burning. It has also been proven that its consumption increases the feeling of satiety. This makes it an essential nutrient for those people who want to lose weight.
Chromium in its chromium picolinate form has been associated in studies with a lower-risk of obesity due to its satiating effect. While the mechanism of this mineral to affect hunger and body weight is unknown, more and more studies indicate that it helps reduce adipose tissue or the accumulation of fats in certain body parts.
At Louisiana State University, a study looked at how chromium supplement consumption modulated food intake in healthy women who were overweight and had intense carbohydrate cravings. This study lasted eight weeks and was compared with a placebo effect. The result was that the group that consumed 1,000 milligrams of chromium daily reduced food intake, appetite, and fat cravings and even slightly decreased body weight. (6)
Promotes a healthy brain and fights cognitive decline
Recent studies have highlighted that chromium plays a role in maintaining brain health and cognitive function in old age. This is likely-due to its ability to improve glucose levels and insulin response, factors associated with reducing age-related alterations affecting the brain.
One research mainly linked chromium to healthy hypothalamic functions. The hypothalamus is a vital brain sector as it helps control body temperature, sleep, thirst, hunger, and emotions. The researchers noted that this mineral might help maintain a more youthful hypothalamus, which regulates appetite healthily and prevents the adverse effects of aging on brain neurons. (7)
Beneficia la salud de la piel y puede prevenir el acné
Las variaciones producidas en los niveles de azúcar están asociadas con la aparición del acné y otras reacciones cutáneas adversas. Es por esta razón que un saludable consumo de alimentos con cromo, al equilibrar los niveles de azúcar, puede mejorar la salud de la piel. Generalmente, este mineral se obtiene de vegetales, como el brócoli, que suelen tener diversos fitonutrientes y antioxidantes capaces de combatir el envejecimiento y mejorar la apariencia de la piel. (8)
Mejora el metabolismo y los niveles de energía
Un consumo adecuado de minerales como el cromo, calcio y magnesio permite que las personas estén activas debido a que tienen la capacidad de aumentar la energía y mejorar el rendimiento muscular y laboral.
Se debe remarcar que llega a ser sumamente importante el consumo alimentos con cromo en personas que quieren bajar de peso mediante una menor ingesta de alimentos y el ejercicio. Esto se debe a que permite mantener un adecuado metabolismo y compensa la excreción de este mineral a través de la orina y el sudor producido por el ejercicio. (9)
This trace element is also known to contribute to muscle formation because it improves protein metabolism. In addition-it participates in the absorption of glucose and the transport of amino acids, fundamental processes for the production of proteins.
Daily recommendations
It is crucial to have a balanced intake of minerals, for which it is essential to include foods containing chromium in the diet. Since the recommended amount of this mineral is low, it is easy to meet your daily needs. However, remember that this nutrient should be obtained from a healthy diet and that the following chart should only reference people who consume supplements, which a doctor should regulate.
What causes the deficiency of this mineral
A deficiency of this mineral can be caused by a diet low in chromium foods, although it is infrequent. Another cause is the excessive consumption of sugars, refined products, and saturated fats. So the next time you eat foods with simple carbohydrates, including chips, candy, chocolate, and white bread, think that you are affecting your levels of this mineral.
Excessive sweating caused by the practice of a sport can also contribute to this evil. Exercising, eating a balanced diet, and having adequate hydration to prevent this evil become essential.
Consequences of a deficiency of foods rich in chromium
Low consumption of chromium can produce the appearance of diseases such as diabetes, infertility, obesity, hypoglycemia, mood swings, increased cholesterol, and triglycerides, a reduction in sperm production, glucose intolerance, and anxiety.
It should be noted-that the body cannot produce this substance, so it must be consumed through foods with chromium or supplements. However, consuming this mineral through food intake is recommended, as supplements can have adverse reactions.
Risks of overconsumption or toxicity
This mineral becomes dangerous, especially when ingesting chromium supplements to improve fitness. If consumed in excess, it can cause general poisoning and can even cause damage to the structure of DNA, a complex of molecules that possesses the genetic material.
Excessive-consumption of this mineral can lead to complications such as fatigue, loss of appetite, bruising, nausea, headache, dizziness, changes in urine, nosebleeds, and hives.