Foods that make you fatter and tips to reduce weight
Indeed you have ever looked in the mirror and thought you are fatter. This is often caused by having a diet where the foods consumed are highly caloric can drive that change in your figure and can even lead you to suffer other ills. For this reason, to avoid this, you will know some of the most fattening foods in this article.
Obesity is an evil that can not only cause deformation of your body but can also make you more-prone to diseases such as hypertension, respiratory, muscular and other diseases.
It would be best if-you also kept in mind that many of the most fattening foods usually go unnoticed since many times they are usually your favourite food and even food that seems to be healthier than others. Therefore, we must be alert with each food we eat, as it can cause the weight gain we are suffering.
What are the most fattening foods?
Below we will let you know 7 of these foods, so you can identify which of them are in your daily consumption and start taking the respective precautions to avoid being overweight:
White bread
White bread is considered one of the foods with a high glycemic level (GI), a classification given to foods according to their direct relationship with the stories of sugar in the blood. It is foods with a high glycemic level that can significantly impact blood sugar levels. On the other hand, whole wheat bread also contains many calories. However, these are lower compared to white. For this reason, you should only consume a maximum of 2 pieces of white or whole wheat bread at breakfast.
Nuts lose a large part of their weight because of water removal from the fruit, which can cause it to be consumed excessively. Along with this, we must emphasize that nuts have a high glycemic level when compared to their new versions because they suffer an alteration in their physical composition, completely altering the way our body digests them.
Prepared salads
Salads made in stores or supermarkets can be a portion of very healthy food or a product with excessive calories, depending on the ingredients used to prepare it. This is because the calories in a salad can be doubled-due to the presence of sauces containing up to twice as many calories as the components.
Light products
A study by the-University of Houston found that packaging with words like “gluten-free” or “light” can give consumers certainty that they are consuming healthy foods without needing to be. However, it has already been proven by different studies that “light” products only differ from everyday foods by using artificial sweeteners to give flavour. However, these can contain many more calories compared to the usual consequences.
Processed cold cuts
Common refined foods can be full of saturated fats or sodium, a mineral that allows foods to last longer but that, in excess, can cause many ills in our health.
Ice cream
Ice cream is one of the-most fattening foods because it contains sugar and other elements that are very rich in calories. This can be much worse if it contains synthetic sugars as its caloric content increases much more. It is for this-reason that this is a dessert that should be discarded when we aim to stay in shape.
This product is made-from a combination of different ingredients rich in saturated fat and salt, which makes this food very harmful to our figure. This is because an average slice of pizza has approximately 260 calories, and including the ingredients put on top can reach or even exceed 390 calories per serving.
Final recommendation
A common problem when designing a diet is that many think this is sacrificing the products we love so much and even stop eating. However-this is not the case since it becomes more important to eat appropriately and consume your favourite caloric foods once a week and gradually reduce them. This article will-teach you how to carry out your eating plan properly.