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Which is your ideal weight? – How to calculate the ideal weight
Know in a quick and easy-way what would be an approximation of what your ideal weight would be. Whether you-are a…
5 tips for healthy eating in pregnancy
Eating a complete and balanced diet is always essential, but it is even more so if pregnant. Healthy nutrition…
What foods are prohibited during pregnancy?
Food is a crucial element for your health and your future baby, so during pregnancy, there are several products…
Food Flavors – What Should We Know About Them?
Almost every food product and drink have food flavors in its composition. In industrial processing, they are used…
Is It Worth Buying Organic Food?
Recently, it has become popular to run the so-called healthy lifestyle. An increasing part of society attaches…
Fermented Foods – Healthy Or Spoiled?
Yogurts, pickles, some cold cuts and bread, beer, wine - all these products have one thing in common. They have…
Nowalijka, What Is It?
Lettuce, radish, cucumber, and tomato testified to the coming of spring and the beginning of the season for fresh…
A healthy pregnancy
Pregnancy is a period in which nutritional requirements increase because of the demand for the growing baby. To…
Gestational diabetes, a growing problem
Gestational diabetes is a medical condition-that occurs during pregnancy. Its prevalence is increasing, mainly due…
Weight problems associated with pregnancy
The new studies emphasize the need to reach a healthy weight before and during pregnancy. Women who suffer from…
6 Tips To Lead A Healthier Life
Do you want to acquire healthy habits? Leading a healthier lifestyle isn't as complicated as-you think. Mainly…
Healthy Foods To Behave Well This Summer
Summer is tempting. With good weather come excesses and dinners away from home, and we often stop worrying about…
Bathing after eating: You have to know this about the digestion cut
How often have our mothers and grandmothers repeated the typical phrase to us? "You can't take a bath until at…
The bottled water deception
For most of us, drinking bottled water is the most normal thing in the world. Even in different cities, bottled…
Eating anxiety: Tips to stop it
When food cravings occur, we do not eat because we are hungry but because we are presented with a physical need…